Drywood termites, they nest in the wood and feed on the wood. They love soft wood like douglas fir, which is widely used in construction in Southern California. The first sign of drywood termites can be an accumulation of little pellets in a location, or, the swarming of a lot of reproductive termites out of an area.
Fumigation (the introduction of a lethal gas into a structure) is a method that can eradicate 100% drywood termites in a structure. That means the drywood termites will be killed in the inaccessible (hidden places) areas of the structure where they cannot be seen. This is the best method when possible to use. It takes 3 days for the fumigation process. The structure must be vacated for 2 nights, with re-entry possible on the 3rd day. It’s worth the inconvenience to eradicate the drywood termites the most effective way the first time. There will be a 2 year warranty.
Documents for fumigation from GC Extermination Inc:
For more fumigation information, go to www.termitetenting.com
Local spot treatment for drywood termites can be done to areas of the structure that are accessible (reachable). Only those areas can be treated. Small holes 3/32 of an inch are drilled into the infested wood and a chemical injected through the holes and into the chambers of the termite nest, plug holes with wood filler. The inaccessible areas will not be treated. One year warranty applies to areas treated.
Subterranean termites, which do the most damage to a structure, nest in the soil and travel up to the wood structure in dirt tubes. The ground area must be treated with a chemical to create a chemical barrier between the subterranean termite colony and the wood structure. There are various methods of treatment:
For more termite information, visit http://acwm.co.la.ca.us/scripts/gerfumi.htm The web site of the county of Los Angeles Agricultural Commissioner-Weights & Measures. Also, visit the website www.termite.com
Wood damaged by termites and fungus can be replaced, in most cases, by GC Extermination Inc. We repair or replace rafter ends, eaves, fascia boards, moldings, substructure framing, floors, doors, studs, etc.
Stall showers are water tested for leakage through the pan. We install shower pans. This is usually done by tearing out the bottom of the shower, and two rows up the wall from the bottom, to expose the framing. Damaged wood is replaced or reinforced, and the pan (hot mopped tar) is installed, put cement and install new tile in the repair section.